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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Anniversary Day!

Well today is the anniversary of the day we have moved to our home This starts our 3rd year living here and there has been so many changes. In more ways than one. One big change is with the life I am living and the people I am with I finally have a stable home for my kids. This is the biggest deal for us.

We are growing at least part of our food in our own garden. We are on a first name basis with the local MFA employees. We have been to Baker Creek Heirloom seeds a couple of times. We have our own producing flock of chickens.

The soil in our garden is getting better than it was when we moved here. I couldn't believe it when the soil was easy to dig down into. Silver has been in the best health in years, as he's getting plenty of exercise.

We have gone from having no water and living out of a tent, to having a small building and a claw-foot bathtub in a real bathroom. We now have a “real” kitchen … and a acquisition over the last weekend was new (to us) side-by-side refrigerator that we bought for $75; that is maybe a year old.

These are just a few of the things that have been changing in our lives since coming here, and living the life we have wanted to live. My only regret? That we had not done it sooner. Live the life you truly want to live, not the one you think you need. Remember we are living off a very small income, and we take care of all important things. All of our bills get paid, we have a home to live in, we have food on the table. ...and We live where we want to be living, could life be any better?

Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...


  1. You forgot a couple, to me, VERY important things.

    First and foremost: regardless of political and religious differences, you've become very good friends and inspirations to a few of us that are trying to get to where you are.

    Second: your raising your kids to have an understanding of earning what they get and to have a, gasp, work ethic. Their not child labor by any means... but they know that they EARN things... not that their automatically ENTITLED just because they want something. They are all great kids. You Did That.

  2. When checking out my good friend Tink's blog I saw your blog and I had to check it out and I started at the beganing and could not put it down for 2 days (reading when ever I could between toddles and housework) and I loved it. You all are an inspiration to many, thank you for sharing your live with us and I am looking forward to reading more.
