I am considering planting where one of the luffa gourds died some kind of melon maybe Oran's Melon or a Swan Lake. I'll have to think on it, as I don't believe that they will cross with the vine peach. However, I don't know; I am willing to try my luck though.
As I said we got rain last night, now the sun is out and it's hot again. 70 inside the house and I don't want to know the temp outside. I was afraid that if I wanted any more Lambs Quarters I'd have to water them soon, so the rain is defiantly a blessing; my day lilies almost needed watering too. Which they are getting flower buds now, I'm going to pick all the buds this year once they are a bit bigger and save them for soup and stew thickener. I'd pick the flowers this year, but as far as I know they don't freeze well as flowers, and I'm not sure we'll get the solar dryer built in time for them. Who knows though, my thought is if I get all the buds though; it'll give the plants time to really get a "foothold".
Now... IF I did this right, and I am hoping fingers crossed that I did. I have Cherokee Orange fleshed Purple Smudge in the "pots" and my Amish Paste tomatoes are out by the garden. Knowing my luck the trays got swapped and they are reversed.
My plan next year is when I do the tomatoes and dill, I am going to add some basil into it as well. Plant it dill in the center, then tomato, basil, tomato, basil around the outside of the "pot". I am thinking of using fresh pots next year and grow some carrots in these next year. As by then all of the chicken manure should be composted down by then. Leaving a nice loose soil (I hope).
Now this... while I am "cultivating it" is not something I planted. However I have been pruning it and training it:
I am glad this year they are pink as the white one in the foundation that we had the first year. Seems the pollen spread and last year almost all the roses were white. At least I am guessing it was due to transfer of pollen, because hey.. it makes sense right? One year one white rose... next year tons of white roses.
This is not the only wild rose around here either. We have tons throughout the woods here and there is a pretty good sized one across the street next to the pond. I have noticed that these "wild" roses have a much stronger scent than ones that you find a the every day garden. It might just be me though.
Now this picture is going up just for CUTENESS factor:
Our Paris (the momma dog), had a litter of six pups. Only one male, only one black. The rest are Chocolates and are all female. My son has claim on the one with white patches on her. So the remaining four also have zero white on them.
They are also a month old now.. and AAAAAWWWWW ain't he cute? ..and def doesn't want to pose for a picture!
Well we'll be having chicken and 'taters for dinner tonight on the grill, to keep our heat inside down.
Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...
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