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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Open Letter to the Human 'Race'

Human 'Race'

It's funny to see how all of you sit there and think everyone is separate from each other. The phrase “human race” refers to a single 'race' of one human kind. Most Native peoples name for their people just refer in translation as “the people”. I think that says a lot, the term of different 'races' is outdated as it was a term used to make 'other' people seem less important. If everyone truly thinks they should be equal then they need to stop separating themselves from everyone else. Everyone is the same 'race' we are all one “People” We all have to live on this glowing blue green ball floating in space.

Racism shouldn't exist in this day and age unless the people protesting it want it to exist. Do I think there should be protests against wrongs, yes. Should it be an excuse to make everyone different from another? No, we are all one people. We all have different viewpoints, that's it.

Also as to protest, causing violence and destruction does not make your point good. All it does is hurt the people you protest near or with. Protesting inequality and causing distruction doesn't help your case.

We are one People, and we need to act like it.


A Member of the Human Race

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