Well today was not the fun day we were
hoping for. The delivery people called us to let know that the
flatbed truck is in the shop so it'll be a few days before our rebar
shows up. I am almost anticipating that they will wish to deliver it
on Friday when we go to the grocery store. I looked ahead at the
rest of the month weather wise and due to overnight temps it'll be to
cold to put in the potatoes. However day time temps certainly will
be warm enough.
I have taken the covers off my plant
trays, and I did discover so far one of my sugar cane seeds have
sprouted. All of my tomatoes have sprouted, though I am still waiting
on my peppers of course to sprout. My eggplants also have not
sprouted as yet.
We did run out and get some straw for
the dogs and the chickens, next time we re-straw the chickens I'm
going to get pictures as they are so funny when we put fresh straw
That's it for now...
Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...
It seems as if my eggplants take forever and a day to sprout!