Now I have a comment about something that happened on here. I keep getting Anonymous people leaving comments. While I have no issues with people doing so, I will not respond to a negative person who is Anonymous. I won't even give them the satisfaction of attention by removing it either, I'm sorry but if you want to be negative at least have the guts to leave your own name. In specific the post was about GM seed companies (read as seed companies owned by BIG M and company). NO, I did not check out the list myself as I didn't use any of the companies. However as I know of a great many people who prefer to be GM free I figured they can find out if their seed company is or is not. Also by seeing the names on the list they can go ask the companies themselves. I was just trying to be a handy go between. I had gotten many bad comments about that post which, I might add is at least 1 year old. The reason I am bringing it up now is someone left a nasty comment 2 days ago on it. I'm not removing the comment, but geez... come on people if you don't like my posts... don't read them. ..and if you want to read them and make a counter point great! DO NOT be nasty, and if you are going to … have the cahones to put your name on it.
That's it for now folks! Have a nice Sunday.
Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...
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