..it really was too...
It overfilled my pond a wee bit, the young willow on the right of the picture has wet feet. However it's not the only one with wet feet...
That would be my Macintosh tree. It's kinda swimming, so as soon as it dries up a little bit (yeah Spring and dry prob not anytime soon) I need to get more dirt around it to keep it from happening again. I just need it dry enough to move the dirt without it being clumped.
The other side wasn't so wet thankfully:
Not sure how well you can see it, but the Redhaven peach is in water that isn't in water now. It soaked up in a few hours where as the Mac is still in all that water. See the tires? I thought I'd try the grow potatoes in tires since I have 7 tires right now.
Also I have another picture of the cinder block stove.
The back will get raised up like the sides, then we'll fill up the holes of the cinder blocks then they'll be capped and some rebar will be put across to cook over. Also the center will get a solid block for the burn surface. I can't wait for it to get done so we can cook in the mornings on it.
Hope you're safe with the severe weather moving about.
Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...
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