At the same yard sale we bought 3 pipe wrenches for $2 each, and a very nice mini cleaver for $.50. Very nice as in... a $50 kitchen knife that is barely used. I do have to say I find some pricing(s) silly, at the same yard sale the gentleman wanted to sell his beat up window AC unit for $50.
More silliness...? At one multi-family yard sale we bought 2 oil lamps one was $2, and one was $1.50. Now the $2 was missing it's wall bracket, and was dry. The $1.50 one is glass and was over half full of oil.
Next find from Friday:
I think it'll be a nice addition to our home, once we get a new top on it. As we have no where to put it unless it gets a counter top. Then it'll temporarily hold the working computer.
Speaking of computer's we got one for free today.. yes, and it works; even has tons of software. It does seem to have one ...minor... problem. Seems the internal batter doesn't work. So until we can find a way to replace it we can't use it. Oh well, free doesn't always mean it'll work 100%.
Now what is in my opinion our BIGGEST find:
The woman who sold them to us said she doesn't can anymore and that they use to can juice and that is why she had the 1/2 gallon. I wonder if I could do my spaghetti sauce in them. It would make them single serving jars for us then. I'll have to look it up and see if it's possible to do it. I certainly hope I can, as otherwise I'm not sure what we'd use them for.
Well, I gotta go get my hair washed as me and the family are going over by my friend, Queen sized Tink's place for a combined birthday party for one of her roommates and another person on their road. Hope your weekend is a good one!
Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...
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