I start with some sunflower oil (gods I LOVE this stuff) and I browned the onion then the rest goes into the pan and I stir fry them a couple minutes till they are fully wilted and a little dark. I use a blueberry pomegranate dressing I found about 1/2 a cup while the pan is still on and I let it steam in the dressing for about a minute. It made about 2 small servings of some wonderful greens.
Here is something funny, at least to me. I saw on listia.com the other day someone selling "organic Lambs Quarters" seeds. I laughed at the idea, seeing as how my Lamb's Quarter is organic as it is growing in my garden... but I defiantly didn't put it there. It came up on it's own, any place you "disturb" soil you will see Lambs Quarters growing. If you want to eat them only go for the smallest leaves. I tend to just take the tops off, and they will branch off; A LOT! So don't worry about how much of the tops you remove. It will keep growing.
While out I noticed my beans have tons of flowers on them. I think they are also the reason that the lettuce is still growing good as the beans are shading the lettuce. I also picked some day lily buds, I think I got four of them; as they seem to go from no where near opening to open in a day. They are suppose to be good as soup and stew thickeners, and because we don't have the solar dryer as yet I am freezing them.
I have also noticed that the elderberry flowers have not yet opened, I am sooo waiting for those to open. It seems all of my tomatoes are doing well in their new homes, and growing like... well.. like Lambs Quarters (most people would say weed). I'm going to have to come up with supports for them soon I think. They companion's the dill plants are also taking over, which is good. Maybe I'll try to make Silver and the girls some pickles using the lemon cucumbers. Hey, it might work once they produce.
I am going to hold off on making jams until we start getting rose hips from the wild roses. Just so I can add the extra vitamin C to the batches. Boy, it should be one heck of a day when I start doing my jams this year. If my melons all grow and produce I should have quite a few of the cantulope jam too. You know I was not sure if I'd like it, but I found I love it! I will post the recipe when I make it. I'm hoping to get another case of two of peaches again so we can, can some and try out the bourbon peach jam I found.
I wonder if wintergreen berries would be good in any of it... I will have to find out.
We got a piece of ply wood for the baker's rack, and now we are in the process of painting the wood then it'll go in the house... somewhere. We are thinking the shelf under the TV will need to come out for the rack to come in. Then we will be putting the computer on it for now. The tomato by the chickens has some tomatoes on it, but they are still green so we'll see when they are done. I think it might wind up being a paste tomato, but I'm not to sure.
The kids are going to another "vacation bible school" this week, this one at my son's church. So all this week we don't have to feed them dinner. The girls are also going to be in the reading program at the library starting wednsday. with next monday being a special evening event involving the "Hunger Games", the first prize is a boxed set of the books (hardbound). Maybe one of the kids will win it.
Well, I need to get back to my work; I got to plant some free irises a little while ago.
Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...
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