The Tiger's Eye beans are a bush been that can be eaten as a green snap bean or left to be a dry bean. It's a pinto "style" bean if you let them dry. Which if they do well would be great as we do make chili.
I have also started some long beans growing as they take the hottest part of the summer and do well in it.
I spent the early part of this morning feeding the animals (kids' job during the summer btw), the kids got home very late last night so I let them sleep in. I went to check the plants which I took these pics during. Then I did a little digging in the pond. I came back into the house, got a cup of tea and started working on the blogs... including the one on the website that I started last year, that I am hoping to keep up to date as well:
That's today's blog post if you decide to check it out and you can get to the rest of the website while there.
The girls are going on a overnight trip tonight, well they're leaving this afternoon. I hope they have fun, it's with their church and they kinda dropped the trip on us so we can't take them we don't have the gas for it. As we're doing "kid taxi" to the library events so we planned for that only.
We should have a "farm hand" here after the 27th, it won't be Rayne as yet... still no word as to when he'll be here for sure. however a young person is coming by to stay and help out in exchange for a place to live and food to eat. I hope it works out well for us as we really do need some help for when Silver's not feeling well. It would just make most of this work easier sometimes with extra hands.
The lemon squashes that I planted only one is still sprouted, and it's growing very slowly; so I am not sure it's going to do very well at all. The luffa gourds are doing very well, or seem to be doing well. They are still growing, I am guessing they are a slow growing gourd. So we will see as they get bigger (crosses fingers). My remaining bushel gourd is growing as well, and I hope it continues as last time I tried growing one it grew a bit then gave up.
I am thinking of harvesting some Lamb's quarter's tomorrow morning for a nice breakfast, with some squash flowers if we have more tomorrow. An onion or two, and some fresh herbs. Maybe with some fresh flat bread, I swear I prefer it over regular bread now. It's wonderful to use as a plate when the item you are eating goes well with bread, then the juices get absorbed into the bread an gives it such a lovely flavor. I wonder if that is what I've read before called "trencher" bread (pardon if I messed up the spelling), I've read about it in books before and I wonder if it's a flat bread. Maybe I'll find out one day.
We have a newer project before the dryer, as I still need the money to build our house we are defiantly just considering putting on a addition for this winter to give us more space and have "rooms" for the two "farm hands" provided they both get here of course. We need the space, so the kitchen can be just a kitchen. I want a separate room for our TV and some book shelves for our books to go on.
...and if we're lucky we'll have regular internet by winter, though I am hoping to have projects to work on all winter to keep us busy. I am determined to try to get some rugs done this winter, so next time we head to the free store I am picking up jeans to make the strips for rug braiding. I hope I'm good at it as it seems I have an odd problem with crocheting and knitting, I do it too tight. I was told by one woman who taught me that she had NEVER seem someone who made the stitches so tight that normally people have to learn to make them tight.
Well that's it for now,
Be Well, Be Safe, and Blessed Be...
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