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Thursday, April 22, 2010

The bad news... kind of...

Well you saw the lovely picture of the garbage on the previous post? Well... there is more

<== this is the well house

The picture below is in the foundation we thought we owned. and the dishwasher is next to our power pole.

The rest of it is just randomly over the cleared area of the property. Now while this is is bad news... The is some more bad news but also good in a way. Aside from that dishwasher? The garbage is not on our property... it seems contrary to what we were told we do not own any of the cleared except... a few feet to the west of the power pole, thankfully the well is within our property.

So now we are clearing land somewhat away from the cleared driveway and will build there once we have a big enough space cleared there. We visited the house that is in the Missouri Journal and met Jon, who with Mark own that piece of property. Jon has decided to finally move down here for good, and Mark might too. We will get to meet him after the 1st of May.

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